• 12-week semesters: $180 (per student), plus $60 for registration and materials.
• Child visitors (family members): $15 per class, limit of 1 class per child, per semester
• Child visitors (non-family members): $15 per class, limit of 1 class per child, per semester
Tuition includes the cost of the semester’s songbook, including 2 CDs. Families new to the Music Together® program will also receive the
parent DVD, Music Together® at Home: Helping Your Child Grow Musically.
Registration obligates a student to payment for a full semester of classes, whether attended or missed. The number of classes per semester varies based on the semester.
• Please notify The Music Tree of upcoming absences at least 24 hours in advance. Absences without notice will forfeit the opportunity to attend a make-up class.
• Two missed classes per semester may be made up by attending a Music Together® class meeting at a different day or time than
the student’s registered class. Missed classes must be made up within the same semester. If there is only one Music Together®
class, two make-up classes will be scheduled at the end of the semester.
• Classes cancelled due to inclement weather or teacher unavailability will either be rescheduled or made up by attendance at
another Music Together® class meeting at a different day or time, contingent on instructor and class availability.
• Lessons falling on national holidays when the store is closed will not be billed or made up. Refer to the school calendar online for a
complete list of these dates.
All students give The Music Tree permission to include their picture or likeness in any form of The Music Tree’s advertising or media.
In consideration of my child’s participation in The Music Tree’s Music Together® classes, I hereby waive and release, on behalf of myself, my
child(ren), and any participating caregiver or relative accompanying my child(ren), The Music Tree, LLC, its owners, affiliates, respective
employees, representatives, agents, and all other related entities from and against any and all liability, loss, damage, injury, claim, cost, or
expense of any kind arising from or in connection with the participation or attendance in this program.
Signature below indicates agreement to all terms of the policies, as well as any policy or price updates that may be made from time to time.